Crying is not only for crybabies and weaklings.Let everything out.anything at all

85 #that essence of white coffe

Dengan 1 nafas.

Dengan ini, saye 2011215718  pelajar UITM Perlis sesi Jun 2011 telah menamatkan pengajian sebagai pelajar Diploma in Accounting Information System/AC120

Sah? Sah?

Haha. Ini poyooo. Memang poyooo. Tapi, Adekeee. Ade? Ade. Gua. Kisah?




Malam ni xtau asal tahh otakk ligat je teringat zaman diplomaaa aku. Aku syakk sebab aroma ipoh white coffee tadi tu la. Well aroma ni sgt sentimentall. Zmn aku stay up stadi week, stay up test quiz. Ni la temann akuu. Aromaa ni laa ade tyme aku susahh. Sblom tido mnum ipoh white coffee, bgun pagi cari ni jugakk xnk ngantuk waktu subuh pnye pasal.

Ak rndu waktu diploma sebenarnye. Sng cerite. Bkn rndu aroma white coffee ni pongggg, drama semuenyeeeee. Haiyakkkkkkk.

i'm accounting information system student.
Well said, im proud to say it. And yes, im uitm-ians. Proud again, either Bad or good, although ramai ckp uitm 'jer', sbb mmg cite2 ak nk be in the uitm fmily.

1st Sem dlu slalu bile teponn mak je ngadu xlehh bwk akaun. And she said, Tuhan dh tentukan jalan kite, mesti ad baiknye. Go with the flow, jgan ckp x bolehh.

Aku mmg suke step-by-step sbb ak tau ak x series in stady, need experience to teach me. Mmg diploma aim aku after spm dulu. Xde lain dah. Tup Tap dh complete dahh diploma aku. On time with 3 pointer. Muet done. Rotu done with 3 years jadi kadet. Betapa uitm arau mengajar pentingnye number '3' in my Diploma. Tp sdih sgt sbb x perform on my pointer. Wehhh diplomaa je yann why u cannot get it better.

Yesss you byakk mainn stadi x fokus, kejer nk stadi last minit, ingat boleh berjaye?

"You stady plus working" - ayat penyedap Hati.

So dont take easy for degree. K yann k? hahahahahahahaha.